Monday, May 7, 2012

you can't move forward without taking that first step.

disclaimer: i do not believe in capital letters, so if proper capitalization is a pet peeve of yours, you may want to leave.

i'm probably a bit behind on this whole blogging train, considering it's 2012, but my brain woke me up in the middle of the night and told me that this was the logical next step for me; that this was exactly what i needed. a place to organize my thoughts about what i see, experience, feel, and just simply need to say out loud (or type rather...) without having to worry about pouring my soul out to someone who doesn't really care. the way i see it, the fact that you're reading this right now, if anyone actually is, means you give half a shit. and it also gives me a chance to fufill my lifelong goal of being carrie bradshaw, now i just need the confidence, independence, and insight that girl has.
               i haven't really thought far enough into this to decide what it is that i plan to discuss on this blog, so currently my plan is just to talk. i've always considered myself someone who's great at communicating and understanding how people work, think, and feel, but lately i've started to think that i've got it all wrong. i can hear, but i can't listen and it has come to my attention like a slap in the face that those are two very different things. it takes great strength to be able to put all of your own selfish needs and desires aside and purely focus on someone else. if you are someone who is able to do this, my hats off to you, because it is not easy. 
            considering this is my first post, i'm not going to get too philosophical right off the bat, so i guess i should say a little about myself for the huge audience that i'm sure is going to read this. my name is abbey, i'm 19 , hence the title, well that combined with a belief that many life lessons can be learned from steely dan. i live in michigan, and i have a love hate relationship with it, i complain about the weather, economy, and people just as much as any other angsty teenager, but i could never leave.i just finished my freshman year of college, and amongst learning lots of general education knowledge that i will never use in my future career, it above all taught me that i have a lot of work to do on myself, so here goes nothing...
"do one thing every day that scares you"
                                                   -Eleanor Roosevelt

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